
2024-05-13  16:07:20


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2024 China Driver's License Test English Subject 1 Test Questions


(判断题)1、Motor vehicles must not exceed the speed indicated by speed limit signs and markings when driving on the road.




解析:Article 42 of the Road Traffic Safety Law: Motor vehicles traveling on roads shall not exceed the maximum speed indicated on the speed limit sign. On roads without speed limit signs, a safe speed should be maintained.

(单选题)2、A motor vehicle is prohibited from overtaking which of the following vehicles on the same lane?

A:Overloaded and large-scale trucks

B:Large buses

C:Ambulances which are executing tasks

D:Medium bus


解析:Article 43 of the "Road Traffic Safety Law" For motor vehicles driving in the same lane, the vehicle behind shall keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front enough to take emergency braking measures. Under any of the following circumstances, overtaking is not allowed: (1) The vehicle in front is turning left, making a U-turn, or overtaking; (2) There is a possibility of meeting with an oncoming vehicle; (3) The vehicle in front is a police car, fire engine, ambulance, or engineering rescue vehicle performing emergency tasks; (4) Passing through railway crossings, intersections, narrow bridges, bends, steep slopes, tunnels, pedestrian crossings, road sections with heavy traffic flow in urban areas, etc. without overtaking conditions.

(单选题)3、What is the triangle-shaped marking with broken white lines?

A:Road entry marking

B:Crossable driving line of a lane

C:Road exit deceleration line

D:Road exit marking


解析:The road exit marking is a white dotted line, which is mainly used for expressways and other interchange roads. The function of the marking line is that the transverse marking line or triangular marking line at the entrance and exit of the expressway is to provide safe intersection guidance for vehicles entering or leaving the ramp and reduce collision with the protruding kerbstone.

(判断题)4、If a driver causes a major traffic accident and commits a crime by illegal driving, he/she will not be held for criminal liabilities.




解析:This question mainly examines hit and run accidents. If a major accident occurs, it has constituted a crime, and criminal liability will be investigated in accordance with the law and the driver's license will be revoked. So choose "Wrong".

(单选题)5、"What's the meaning of this sign?"

A:Watch for the disabled

B:Passageway for the disabled

C:Resting place for the disabled

D:Just for the disabled


解析:The yellow sign indicates attention. The picture shows the disabled, so it reminds us to pay attention to the disabled.

(单选题)6、Which of the following documents should be carried with a motor vehicle when driving on the road?

A:Motor Vehicle Registration Certificate

B:Motor Vehicle Insurance Policy

C:Vehicle License

D:Certificate of Quality


解析:When driving, one should carry the driver's license and vehicle license with them, and the vehicle should display the inspection certificate and insurance certificate.

(判断题)7、When approaching a sharp curve, the driver should slow down and drive along the right side to avoid a collision with an oncoming vehicle that crosses the central line of the curve.




(判断题)8、The windscreen demister will start to work after pressing this button.




(判断题)9、When the vehicle license is destroyed or lost, the owner of the vehicle should apply to the local vehicle management station for license replacement or renewal.




解析:Article 51 of the Regulations on the Registration of Motor Vehicles stipulates that if a motor vehicle license plate is lost, lost or damaged, the owner of the motor vehicle shall apply to the vehicle management office at the place of registration for replacement or replacement. When applying, the owner of the motor vehicle should confirm the application information and submit identification documents.

(判断题)10、A qualified driver should not only be technically adept, but more importantly have good driving habits and be morally sound.




(单选题)11、"What's the meaning of this sign?"

A:Bypass from left side

B:Ono-way traffic

C:Watch for danger

D:Bypass from right side


(单选题)12、"What's the meaning of this sign?"

A:A N-shaped curve

B:A sharp curve

C:An inverse curve

D:A continuous curve


(单选题)13、The maximum speed of motor vehicles on muddy roads should not exceed:

A:15 km/hour

B:20 km/hour

C:30 km/hour

D:40 km/hour


解析:Sharp bends, non-motorized lanes, railway crossings, narrow roads, narrow bridges, steep slopes, U-turns, ice and snow roads, muddy roads, speed shall not exceed 30 kilometers per hour.

(单选题)14、The speed limit on this highway is:

A:30 km/hour

B:40 km/hour

C:50 km/hour

D:70 km/hour


(单选题)15、"What's the meaning of this sign?"

A:Driving on the right hand side

B:Driving straight is not allowed

C:One-way road for driving straight

D:Vehicles driving straight must yield


解析:The sign indicates that the road is one-way driving, and vehicles that have entered should drive in the direction indicated by the sign. The figure shows straight driving.

(判断题)16、Motor vehicle drivers should choose the lane where the green arrow light is on.




(单选题)17、What is the minimum speed for driving in this lane?

A:60 km/hour

B:90 km/hour

C:100 km/hour

D:110 km/hour


解析:1. When there are two lanes in the same direction, all motor vehicles drive on the carriageway, and the minimum speed in the left lane is 100km/h. 2. Driving with three lanes in the same direction (1) Cars with a speed higher than 110km/h drive in the leftmost lane. (2) Cars with a speed higher than 90km/h drive in the middle lane. (3) The vehicle speed in the right lane shall not be less than 60km/h. 3. Driving with more than 4 lanes in the same direction (1) Cars with a speed higher than 110km/h drive in the leftmost lane. (2) Cars with a speed higher than 90km/h drive in the middle lane (Article 2). (3) The vehicle speed in the right lane shall not be less than 60km/h.

(判断题)18、When drivers feel tired while driving on the highway, he/she should stop immediately for a rest.




解析:In the highway should be in the rest area or service area parking rest. You can't park at will.

(单选题)19、In which of the following conditions is a driver not allowed to drive a motor vehicle?

A:When the windows of the vehicle are not properly closed

B:When the doors of the vehicle are not properly closed

C:When the sound is not turned off

D:When the sunroof is not properly closed


(单选题)20、What kind are these yellow-and-black lines?

A:Speed-reducing mark

B:Substance mark

C:Bump mark

D:Three-dimensional mark


解析:The function of facade signs is to remind drivers that there are structures higher than the road surface in or near the carriageway to prevent collision.

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